
Hey folks…sorry It’s been kind of quiet here on the ole’ blog as of late but I’ve been hard at work on a number of projects which will hopefully be out for all of you to see and enjoy in the very near future.

In the meantime I wanted to share a few teaser images from a couple of those projects.

Colored illustration from upcoming children’s book from Viper Comics’ new prose line
Panel from upcoming graphic novel
Panel from upcoming graphic novel


Free Comic Book Day!

Tomorrow, May 5th 2012, is Free Comic Book Day all across North America! For those who may not know, Free Comic Book Day is celebrated every year on the first Saturday in May. On this particular day comic shops all across the country give away FREE comics to anyone who decides to visit and/or wait in line for such festivities! Depending on the store there could also be prize giveaways and creator appearances and signings. Basically, if you’ve been thinking about possibly getting in to comics, tomorrow is a good day to do it. For more information and to locate a comic shop near you visit: http://www.freecomicbookday.com/Home/1/1/27/992

Adam Wilson, my collaborator and writer on “Benjamin and the Fish“, asked me to produce an image he could hand out to kids (of all ages) visiting the Delaware shop where he will be appearing. However, as most of you (including myself) will not be in Delaware tomorrow I’m posting the piece here for all to enjoy:

Playing catch-up

Quite a bit has been going on in the past few weeks, and months for that matter, which has unfortunately (for the blog not for my professional interests) kept me from updating regularly. To that end here is an all encompassing post.

While still immersed in my first graphic novel for Arcana and completing Volume 1 of Benjamin and the Fish I was offered a job by Peter Maurin Screen Printers designing T-shirts for a local food vendor, “Big Bite” (© 2012).  Below are 2 designs submitted for the clients approval:

I’ve also been working with the “RU” (artist collective planning something BIG!!) on completing a pitch to be shopped around to various publishers alongside other members/pitches in said collective. Without giving too much of the story away, posted below is one of the penciled pages from the pitch package:

Don’t worry…it’ll all make sense. Anyway, I’ve got to get back to work but I promise more images, updates and projects will be posted soon!