Be Mine!: A February Update

February has already arrived with love (and the odor of this putrescent country) in the air. No need to be disheartened though, my fellow Americans, for I do believe in my heart of hearts that the residents of this nation will drown the reprehensible vocal minority and thwart the attempts of tyranny currently facing us. Seeing as the 24-hour news cycle, social media, the fucking barista at your local coffee shop, etc. all veer towards the political these days, I will attempt to stay on topic. As my plan is to discontinue the use of my personal Facebook page (though a fan page will be moderated by my pal, Chris Ball), I will make a concerted effort to update this blog on a far more regular basis. That said, with the profusion of projects depriving me of sleep these days that chore is easier said than done. Regardless, we’re all here now so let’s catch up.

Quickly… I have a lot to do.


Held over the weekend of December 16th and 17th, 2017, my local convention assailed the student center of the community college for two days of comics and cosplay. Unfortunately the regional rags decidedly focused on the superhero aspect of the convention, once again putting on display the public’s tone-deaf comprehension of the breadth and scope of stories told via the comics medium. Moreover, the organizers were quite wonderful and welcoming to all who exhibited. I tabled alongside my writer buddy, Ray Zepeda, Jr. (of Tragic Hero Comics), which made the minimal sales and devisive attitude towards my particular brand of humor tolerable.

The table setup for SVCC.
Ray Zepeda, Jr. (right) and myself
Storytelling panelists (L-R): Ricardo Padilla, myself, Ray Zepeda, Jr.


With the new year brought a makeover for my anti-hero weekly series published by Antix Press. I discussed the shift with my editor, Francis Lombard, and we both agreed it was an organic evolution which could very well enhance our capabilities to convey the follies of Luke Carlin. Of course, the decision also equated to a more labor-intensive production schedule, but Francis and I have been content with the outcome thus far. It would be great to have some feedback from some of you readers out there! Let us know how you are enjoying (or despising) the new full-page comic strip format. The third year begins in the archive here (episode 1 below), and new episodes are published every Friday on the Antix Press site.


Our local comic shop, Current Comics, invited me to hold a signing for my literary magazine comic collection held on February 10th, 2018. There was a decent turnout, resulting in a number of sales (including a few MR. BUTTERCHIPS coffee mugs). A huge thank you to the store manager Nick Black, who is always tremendous when it comes to supporting local creators, and the comics enthusiasts who took the time to chat and purchase a book!

Me and the monkey manning the table.
Signing for a new fan.


2018 also brings a new year of monthly diatribes railing against the insanity of modern times from your favorite curmudgeonly Capuchin, MR. BUTTERCHIPS. Thus far he has already lambasted intolerance in all of its expansive vile forms (as seen below) and the bullshit rationale behind the religious freedom rights espoused by the reprehensible illegitimate POTUS and his irretrievably insane evangelical hangers-on. Whatever will he call out next? The only way to find out for certain would be to follow his antics in the literary magazine Drunk Monkeys.

A couple of projects are in production as well, which I must keep under wraps for now. Apologies for the vague posting, but hopefully receiving word on said endeavors will be forthcoming posthaste. As I said, I will do my utmost to keep this blog apprised of any and all new events, announcements, etc. going forward so be sure to check back often. Maybe not that often, but often enough. Thank you to everyone who continues to support my work!

Stay gold, and here’s to another year of spinning yarns!

Spring is in the air… Which explains the nosebleeds

It’s spring again, folks. That time of year which brings new life, gentle rains, and god-damn miserable allergies. My nose has been a geyser of green and yellow, and my melon has been stuffed with cotton. Lord knows I struggle enough with thinking as is so this is just a cruel trick of Mother Nature. What a bitch. Regardless, I have continued to chug along at a steady clip in my writing and cartooning efforts. I refuse to be bested by an unyielding case of the boogers!

My short story Rock the Cash Bar, originally published by Drunk Monkeys on October 5, 2015 has been included in their recently released ‘best of 2015’ anthology. 106 pages of “the best fiction and poetry featured over the past year in the online literary journal Drunk Monkeys. Featuring fiction from Bud Smith and Gessy Alvarez and poetry from Kevin Ridgeway, Frankie Met, William Lessard. Plus essays on Star Wars, illustrations, the Donald Trump campaign speech generator, and much more!”* Grab yourself a copy here.

Speaking of Drunk Monkeys lit mag, I was recently commissioned by their Editor-in-chief (and all around snazzy dude) Matthew Guerruckey to produce some cartoon illustrations for their Star Wars retrospective. To be released in May, the retrospective will include essays, commentary, and poetry relating to that galaxy far, far away we all know and love. My work featuring intoxicated and stoned simians will adorn the cover and serve as dividers to the various sections relating to the original trilogy, prequels, and sequels. Here’s a taste of the cover, colored by Allan Ferguson.

DM-SW color-tease

In graphic novel news, The Guitarist is gearing up for it’s Kickstarter campaign to be launched by our publisher, Under Belly Comics, in late April/early May.  The pages are coming along and I can’t wait to share all of the psychedelic, drug-fueled, bat-shit craziness that this book has in store for all of you! It’s going to be one kick-ass rock ‘n’ roll ride to be sure.

Decades of (in)Experience will be hitting the six month mark in April! Every Friday for the past six months I have somehow managed to find new ways to fuck with our main man Luke Carlin and hopefully provide you with a chuckle or two along the way. Decades’ online champion Antix Press and I have been hard at work to bring you a collected print edition of the comic/illustrated narrative’s run thus far by trying to find a publisher/distributor for the title. We will be braving some upcoming meetings, including the possibility of a safari to the wilds of San Diego Comic Con, putting our lives in peril all in the name of pleasing our audience with dirty entertainment. Look here for future news and updates and a HUGE god-damn thank you to all who have been reading and/or helping to promote Decades of (in)Experience!

My tough love writing column for Five 2 One Magazine, Bread Crumbs form the Void will be releasing it’s eighth column full of hard-nosed advice this Wednesday March 30th. 2016. There is some other cool shit in the works with Five 2 One Magazine, and it may be that the column shifts to a bi-weekly schedule in the near future. I’m not at liberty to divulge too much info at this juncture, but suffice to say if all goes according to plan you will see some cartoon-based content both on their website and in their print issues in the very near future. Keep your fingers, eyes, tits, balls, and whatever crossed. I could use the good vibes…

While we are on the subject of new cartoons published by Five 2 One Magazine, their resident literary outlaw/Editor-in-chief Nathan Schwartz and I felt it fitting to unleash what we are calling an Easter Fucking Funny on the world this Easter day. So, enjoy the doodle and have a merry bunny-who-shits-eggs day!

Easter Funnies

This week I am the guest on the killer comics podcast, Comic Exposure! I chat with them all about current and upcoming projects. If you’d like to hear me prattle on about writing and drawing you can find the interview on their website. Adios until next time…

Happy Turkey Day

Holiday greetings to all of the great folks who take the time to come visit my site! I created this piece entitled “Dinner Music” just for all of you (click the image to enlarge). I hope you all have a joyous Thanksgiving full of family, fun and, of course, FOOD! Amidst all the hubbub, don’t forget to take a moment to reflect on what makes you truly thankful.

Dinner Music 2014_BG_web

Before I take off on my trek for turkey, I wanted to share a few photos taken from the event held by Old Capitol Books last weekend for The World’s Crummiest Umbrella. I had a great time talking and reading to a wonderful group of attendees, both young and not so young. A huge thanks to everyone who came out and I’ll post more pictures soon!

The next event will be held at the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco on Saturday, December 13th. If you’re in the area, come on by, say howdy, and pick up some early holiday gifts. As they say, the greatest gift is a passion for reading.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone! Gobble! Gobble!

Drawing on dogs… For inspiration.

Not actually drawing on them, though that may be funny too. As they are, dogs are hilarious, disgusting, oblivious, and wonderful for observation and zany ideas. Fun and whacky drawings like these help to keep the creative juices, and sometimes slobber, flowing. Enjoy and/or be horrified how closely some of these may hit home.


Dog 1-web

Dog 2-web

Dog 3-web

Cats can be funny too I s’pose… It’s just far less common. A cat in a situation like this though? Hi-Larious!

Cat inna bottle

I know I’ve been teasing at it for some time, but the publisher will be ordering the proof for my first picture book and we will be one step closer to getting those babies in your hot little mitts! More news to follow so stay close, visit soon and stay gold.


Doodles and more

I’ve very recently begun the practice of rapid fire doodling while on my lunch break at work. I feel as though it’s a great exercise for not only keeping my sketching technique loose and lively but also for brainstorming ideas. Contrary to that notion, I initially couldn’t think of just what to sketch. Then I found inspiration from a source which was literally right under my nose, lunch. So began my series of lunchtime doodles about lunch. For those who don’t already follow me on twitter (which you really should @AJSchumacherart) or are currently a fan of my facebook page (which I urge you to be at, I am presenting said doodles here for your enjoyment.

This weekend I reached into the annals of my journey through creativity and decided to reimagine a character I had concocted with a friend in summer school when we were fifteen or so. To entertain ourselves an entire cast of ridiculous and wonderfully wacky characters were generated and I may at some point get around to updating them all. Today, however, I am presenting the madcap Calculadora Man! Here he is doing what he does best, playing with himself.

Calculadora Man-webLastly, today I want to share a beautiful model sheet from Fritz the Cat by one of my favorite animators Ralph Bakshi. These expressive poses are spectacular examples of line-of-action utilization. If you are a fan and/or student of animation and haven’t already explored Ralph’s ample catalog of films and series, I highly recommend you do so immediately.

Fritz model sheet

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wet, Hot American cartooning

A big ole’ American howdy to everyone on this weekend of The U.S. of A’s birthday! Did everyone enjoy a few days of food, family, friends and FIREWORKS? I know I did. Just for the hell of it, and because I’ll be in a food coma for the foreseeable future, I’m posting some random recent doodles. A wacky character design for a new comic series (though the writer decided to go with a more traditional look)…

Lenny animated_websome figure/line-of-action studies…

Figure study-line of action(2)

And a rat riding a huge rocket in honor of our Independence Day.

Rocket Rat(2)

Enjoy folks and I hope everyone had a happy and safe(ish) 4th!

It’s almost spring…

… And I just cannot believe how fast 2014 is cruising along already. I know there has been a lapse as far as updates on this site as I focused for a bit of time on some music and songwriting (check out my music site here), but rest assured I have not been resting on my laurels on the cartooning and writing front. Here’s a bit of a rundown on what’s been happening lately here in the studio and beyond:

First, I can’t believe I haven’t shared photos on this site from my trip to LA a couple months ago! My agent booked me some really amazing meetings with some of the best animation houses on the planet and I couldn’t be more grateful. There was lots of confidential (and awesome) stuff going on in theses buildings so there are unfortunately no interior pics that I can share. While there I met some wonderful people, talked about some potentially very cool things and I look forward to sharing more as the journey continues and hope to have some news for y’all soon! In the meantime, here’s the photo tour:

If you haven’t had the chance to check it out already, my guest chapter for Betsy Streeter’s Neptune Road is live right now! This is a great sci-fi comic series and I am very proud and humbled to have been asked to take part. Click on the image below to read the chapter with accompanied by my artwork…
nr 5 page 1 panel
Next up on the boards is the release of my first children’s picture book, The World’s Crummiest Umbrella! I’m very excited to finally have the chance to bring this story to families everywhere and none of it would be possibly without Wandering in the Words Press. They are great supporters of artists and truly believe in the people they partner with and their work. The book will be available soon and I’ll be sure to break the news here first as soon as I know!
WCU_Promo 2014
Thanks for the continued love and support y’all! I truly appreciate it and creating wouldn’t be worth it if there weren’t at least a few folks to enjoy it with me.

APE info and more…

Hello friends, fans and fellow cartoon enthusiasts!

As noted in the previous post, I will be exhibiting at the Alternative Press Expo this year alongside my friend and wonderful cartoonist Bridgett Spicer! I will be selling copies of “The Unemployment Adventures of Aqualung”, “Fame; Tom Daley” and a 16-page preview of the creator-owned “The Guitarist” by the awesome CW Cooke and myself! I will also be taking a few commissions as well as selling some original pages from the above listed books. It’s an awesome show still very much geared toward creators without the corporate influence of Hollywood so come on by and say hi! Click on the image below for the info for our table:

ape2013_exhibmap_imgLately I have been immersed in secret projects involving the animation industry and while I can’t divulge too much information at this point I will say I’ve been keeping quite busy and may have some very exciting news to share in the near future. I may have also been hired on as artist for a comic being relaunched as an online series from a certain publisher I’ve worked with previously. More on that soon as well!

Hope y’all out there in internet land are having an amazing fall so far! See you at APE!!